Principal Supervision

Partnering for Principals' Success as Instructional Leaders

What do principal supervisors do when they help principals grow as instructional leaders?

Principal supervisors can help principals grow as instructional leaders— those who relentlessly ensure equitable teaching and learning in every classroom every day—but not all forms of principal supervision help realize those results.

For over a decade, DL2 researchers have been walking alongside principal supervisors capturing how they work day-to-day, results for principals, and conditions that support their success. In districts ranging in size from a few thousand to over a hundred thousand students, findings show that principal supervisors help principals grow as instructional leaders when they take a teaching-and-learning approach.


Principal Supervision

Deepen your understanding of Principal Supervision in Central Office Transformation, and learn how to get started
"DL2’s research and tools helped me get back to why I became a principal supervisor in the first place. To be their partner and coach. To be in it with them together."
Principal supervisor
Principal Administrator

Supervising Principals for Instructional Leadership: A Teaching and Learning Approach

Supervising Principals for Instructional Leadership is a brilliant, inspiring, clear book that nails what it means to supervise school leaders for growth and helps the reader reimagine the role of the central office. Read this book, and use it immediately!”
—Michael Fullan, professor emeritus, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

“What does it look and sound like to support principals to lead learning? Honig and Rainey share their research-and-practice-tested wisdom, which combines the imagination to break free of conventional supervision with clear examples of what to do and what not to do, and a bundle of tools to make it happen.”
—Elizabeth A. City, senior lecturer on education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
