Our Work

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What do we do?

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Generate Research

We conduct rigorous, original empirical studies to shine new light on how central offices matter to equitable teaching and learning.  Our scholarship is:
Strengths-based and future-facing.  We study central offices where leaders are trying to do what research and experience suggest is the right work to support equitable teaching and learning and innovating beyond it in ways that shine a light forward. We aim not to evaluate but to understand what they are doing, what results they achieve, and what conditions help or hinder their efforts.

Systems focused. Research shows that the success of any one central office function such as Teaching & Learning, Human Resources, Principal Supervision, or Operations depends on aligned changes across the other functions. We seek to uncover these interdependencies and identify what specific ways of working within and across each function demonstrably support equitable teaching and learning.

Create Tools

We generate tools and other materials to help district leaders use the research to inform their own central office transformation efforts. Our tools are:

Research-based.  All aim to deepen leaders’ and other practitioners’ understanding of the research and its relevance for them and the communities they serve.

Self-directed.  Consistent with our own research that shows that districts advance central office transformation when district leaders and staff lead the work themselves, all our tools aim to help leaders and staff lead their own learning in service of those results.


We work with school districts across the country individually and in networks to help them use the research and tools to advance central office transformation for equity. Our partnerships are:
Leader-centered. We support district leaders to use the latest research to inform their own visions and approaches to central office improvement.
Informed by the latest knowledge about adult learning for innovation. We help district leaders learn while doing through hands-on visits to other districts and job-embedded activities.


Want to learn more about our work?

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Central office transformation is…. “not a policy or a program. It’s about rooting out racism and laying down new roots.”
Urban district superintendent
Principal Administrator